Friday, October 29, 2010

Plan your child's cost of education before hand

I have discussed some general kind of finance topics till recently. Today I feel that I should focus on some of my personal experiences. It is going to be something on cost of education these days.

My brother is doing graduation in Business Management, last week his classes began from a short vacation. He will be preparing for his last semester next January. Along with the tuition fee, his private tuition session also climbed up unexpectedly. I realize how my father manages the huge expenses towards his studies. He has been offering him the best he can afford for his bright future. Not only the core education or studies related expenditure, but he also has to outlay for additional expenses like notebook, broadband Internet connection etc.

The major things that have changed since we graduated is that, now students need even loans to finish their studies. The reason behind this is the rising cost of education these days. Keeping this in mind, you too should start saving money for your child's education to offer them a lovely prospect.