Did you ever ask your employer for a pay rise. You should now ask if you are in great difficulty of short of cash. It might be also that you are very far from your next payment. So asking for a pay rise often is the easiest and fastest way to get rid of this kind of situations. Your organization may come up with its helping hand stretched.
But before stretching their helping hand, they might go through some homework of their own. The following steps will help you to get started -
- Have you updated yourself with some new skills or courses since your last pay was reviewed, that is counted for your pay rise
- Have you taken up new responsibilities in the recent past, this is very important to show how you performed with your new responsibilities
- You should never threat your employer since that does not help anyway
- You should pull together some market data and you may come up with the other businesses those pay for your position
The worst can happen is that your boss simply says no. On the other way you might be overwhelmed with a fantastic pay hike if they find you worth it.