Friday, August 6, 2010

Some do's and dont's of credit before you mortgage

There might be cases when you face situations of getting denied for a funding even after you have signed the agreement papers. The investment banker concerned here may discover some new findings after the approval has been made – so the latest credit report is made after verification that there is no unusual activities incurred by the borrower. This takes time to create these kind of reports and this makes the whole approval process longer and longer. Generally the borrowers can expect this report to be generated after 60 days or more.

Here are some points to follow - 
  • You should regularly make payments towards rent or mortgage
  • You should not go for any substantial purchase like automobile in between the process
  • Don't apply for a new credit card
  • Keep all your accounts updated
  • You should not redeem your collections
  • You should also avoid buying any new furniture

The above points should be remembered for easy funding process and commendation of mortgage