Saturday, August 28, 2010

Your budget strategies

Do you find budgets are really boring for you and also feel it can be better managed by your parents! Till recently the idea has changed. This is actually to keep track of your finances and also to handle it efficiently. So budgeting can be interesting too. You need to find the process that basically suits you. So here we discuss how to manage your budgeting portfolio.

The first thing you should do is to think of creating a budget plan for you. For this, you don't have to be very repressive but there should be a balance between your income and expenses. Then your next task is to compare your income on a month-on-month basis. This will eventually show you how much or less you might save for each of the months. Here comes the need of realizing that you have to reduce your expenses much better to gain control of your budget. Which claims some small sacrifices from you like giving up some luxury or going out with friends.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Some facts on equity release

First you need to know what actually equity is. The value of outstanding mortgage which is subtracted from the value of your home becomes your equity. This value when made into cash is considered as the equity release program. One actually then is just free to use this cash according to his or her necessities.

Then comes the tax part towards this kind of cash received by you. Since you own the equity, it is pretty sure that you are exempted from paying any taxes whatsoever. On top of that there will be no repayments to be made. The hottest form of this kind of equity release is lifetime mortgage – where actually you are assured of owning your home all through.

To be eligible for this you need to attain the age of 55 first. The most remarkable benefit of releasing your equity is the tax benefit as discussed earlier. Moreover, this may actually lead you through a fantastic retirement.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Have you got your personal finances right

You might already know relation between your business life and personal life with respect to money, obviously because you run a small business. In order to succeed in your business, you have to give preference to your personal finances. Far and foremost you should be completely out of debt before venture into any business.

May be you are going through financial hardship and it's you and only you who can feel the bad days. More than often the problem is manifolded when you already run a business. The good part is that you can always try to make more money in the future. The point here is to learn to keep yourself living exactly on what you have.

Some of the practical approaches that you can follow are -

  • You should spend less than you earn
  • You should avoid using credit card
  • You should always pay yourself first even if it is a small amount

Friday, August 6, 2010

Some do's and dont's of credit before you mortgage

There might be cases when you face situations of getting denied for a funding even after you have signed the agreement papers. The investment banker concerned here may discover some new findings after the approval has been made – so the latest credit report is made after verification that there is no unusual activities incurred by the borrower. This takes time to create these kind of reports and this makes the whole approval process longer and longer. Generally the borrowers can expect this report to be generated after 60 days or more.

Here are some points to follow - 
  • You should regularly make payments towards rent or mortgage
  • You should not go for any substantial purchase like automobile in between the process
  • Don't apply for a new credit card
  • Keep all your accounts updated
  • You should not redeem your collections
  • You should also avoid buying any new furniture

The above points should be remembered for easy funding process and commendation of mortgage